Thursday, August 29, 2013

The QPMSS ( is a rental property management system built by rental property owners. Unlike other free online software that either limited in properties, units count or some useful features, the QPMSS is a system with a simple user interface, easy to use, pure free and no limitation online services.

The QPMSS can be used for any kind of rental properties and it's also suitable for student housing - normally they share an apartment or a house, co-signed a lease and pay the rent individually. The QPMSS handles this situation well therefor the landlord can monitoring their rental properties more efficiency.

Here are main features:
  • Property management
  • Lease management
  • Tenants management
  • Expense/Maintenance management
  • Document management
  • Rent payment management
  • Reports - including net income, transaction, tenant, late rent, payment, contact report and security deposit refund letter generator
  • Email and/or SMS messaging templates management
  • Auto Email and/or SMS notification - specify when to send the rent reminder
  • Dashboard - show all properties or individual property recent 3 months income, expense, net income and rent status information with graph. Or the last 12 months payment data

  • Please check it out if you are a landlord. You can ask questions here or on QPMSS support page.


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      Property Management Software
